The Terri Levine Foundation for
Children With RSD

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic, painful, and progressive neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. The syndrome usually develops in an injured limb, such as a broken leg, or following surgery. However, many cases of RSD involve only a minor injury, such as a sprain. And in some cases, no precipitating event can be identified.

The most common symptoms overall are burning and electrical sensations, described to be like "shooting pain." The patient may also experience muscle spasms, local swelling, abnormally increased sweating, changes in skin temperature and color, softening and thinning of bones, joint tenderness or stiffness, restricted or painful movement.

My name is Terri Levine. I suffer from RSD from an injury I received a few years ago and hate to think of the pain that a child suffers from each day with this disease.

Imagine pain so severe the breeze of someone walking by causing excruciating pain so intense it's as if someone just lit you on fire, the vibration of a vacuum cleaner shooting through you like knives, or muscle spasms so strong your body shakes uncontrollably. Imagine not being able to roll yourself over or sit up without help, not being able to swallow, waking up blind, or trying not to breathe because it causes too much pain. Being stuck in bed, feeling so isolated and alone, while life passes by and everyone you once knew moving with it, leaving you behind. This is the life Tabitha has been living for the past 11 years. Click here to read more about this beautiful young girl who suffers from RSD.

I'm asking for your assistance to raise funds to help Tabitha, and other children with RSD, get the medical care they need. Please click the button below to make your donation now and please share this site with others.

All funds raised by The Terri Levine Foundation for Children with RSD will go directly to helping these children.

Free Reports: (downloadable PDF format)

Recognizing RSD

Helping Your Family Understand RSD

Survival Tips for Living with RSD

Links to information on RSD:

Contact Terri

Click here to contact Terri by email.

Phone: 877-401-6165